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Saturday, May 14, 2011
cherry tree lane florence al. Yoshino Cherry tree where
  • Yoshino Cherry tree where

  • boringName
    Nov 29, 10:14 AM
    The only thing this royalty grants you is a tacit guarantee that Universal will continue to provide digital content.

    Yes, that's the irritating part - Universal isn't providing anyone with anything, here. It seems much more like blackmail to continue offering their music library on iTunes (should this "deal" go through) and the Zune store.

    To address another item - I'd like to point out that, while not an angel, I "ripped" far more of my friends' music back in the old-days of cassette tapes.

    cherry tree lane florence al. Yoshino Cherry tree where
  • Yoshino Cherry tree where

  • Doctor Q
    Apr 25, 04:26 PM
    Nike+iPod must be an even more serious privacy violation. After all, it knows how fast I'm going and my calories burned. And it sends the data to nikeplus.com! :eek:

    Yeah, both iPhone/iPod and Nike+iPod store the information only on my device and sync it only to my other devices, sending it elsewhere only if I want. But if I can make money by suing about it then I'll ignore those inconvenient facts!

    cherry tree lane florence al. beautiful cherry tree (or
  • beautiful cherry tree (or

  • Liebo11
    Aug 7, 07:49 PM
    does upgrading to leopard cost money for tiger users?

    cherry tree lane florence al. CHERRYTREE ROAD JEWELRY by

  • ryanx27
    Aug 27, 10:32 PM
    I like them as well, but I think it's been replaced with Merom next tuesday, G6 Video iPod next next tuesday and the good old iPhone next tuesday rumors.

    Still good for a laugh ;)

    Hahaha, "iPhone" is a one-word punchline

    cherry tree lane florence al. 88 Beech Tree Ln - 3 br Becket
  • 88 Beech Tree Ln - 3 br Becket

  • Maccus Aurelius
    Sep 19, 12:14 PM
    I'm finding it hilarious that you can put yourself into Stevie's reality distortion field even after the Intel switch. Maybe while Apple had PPC, you could have said that. But now that direct hardware comparisons can be made, don't you think it's stupid that sub-$1000 PC notebooks have better processors than the best Apple has to offer?

    And yes, the MBP is a top-of-the-line laptop. Apart from 2'' thick behemoths, it was one of the fastest portables around, and it was priced accordingly. Now it's still priced as such, but times are moving, technology is advancing, and if you compare pound for pound, the MBP is behind.

    I don't see too many laptops that are sub $1000 that offer Core 2 Duo at the moment. Alienware has one that costs just about that much. Dell's XPS is the only laptop line with C2D, which are generally more costly than the Macbook Pros, even the 17". At the very least, apple has already equipped some of their computers with 64-bit support where it would probably benefit the most. The Mac Pro will obviously be the most likely to see great benefits from it. The imac, too, will see more benefit. but seeing as how macbooks and macbook pros are just coming out of their hardware glitches, i think its better to iron out those issues before stuffing new chips into them.

    cherry tree lane florence al. the Tainted Cherry Treequot;
  • the Tainted Cherry Treequot;

  • sukanas
    Apr 25, 01:36 PM
    money grubbers

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  • cherry tree tattoos cherry

  • jrhone
    Sep 13, 11:58 AM
    Man, I don't know why people keep saying this. On OS X, *all software utilizes the extra cores*. The only way it wouldn't is if you have less than 8 processes running, which I guarantee you that you don't. (System alone requires 20-30 processes to run.)

    Granted, 8 cores won't make Mail open up faster, but there are still plenty of ways to use those cores, and that's only going to increase as apps are re-written to be more heavily multi-threaded.

    NOT TRUE....The Quad core G5 people are in an uproar because Logic Pro only uses 2 cores on the G5....they updated Logic Pro so it uses 4 cores, but the G5 Quad still only uses 2 cores....there are also photoshop actions that are NOT multi core aware so will only run on one core.....Hopefully 10.5 will make all this irrelevant.

    cherry tree lane florence al. shade of a cherry tree and
  • shade of a cherry tree and

  • Reach9
    Apr 11, 03:47 PM
    No I am not kidding. You seem to be a spec whore. If those are the best phones in the market why do multiple iPhone and Blackberry devices outsell the best android phone ALWAYS?

    People keep wanting to point to these android spec whore of the month models, but they don't offer a superior experience... It is just silly.

    Like I said,t he iPhone 4 is stil the best smartphone out there.

    The thunderbolt doesn't even come close to outselling the iPhone just on Verizon.

    I seem to be a spec whore? That's a degrading word, do you rinse your dirty mouth? or I guess your vocabulary is too limited to use other words?

    But no i'm not "spec-centralized", i'm not talking about outselling. But if you want to talk about outselling.. The Thunderbolt is outselling the iPhone 4 on Verizon: http://iphone.tmcnet.com/topics/iphone/articles/160082-htc-thunderbolt-outselling-iphone-4-verizon-wireless.htm

    But i could care less what outsells. i'm talking about a user experience as a smartphone, and the iPhone does not deliver, where as Android OS does.

    "Like I said, the iPhone 4 is still the best smartphone out there" -- That is your opinion, and i frankly disagree. There are much better smartphones out there.
    Can you explain why you think the iPhone 4 is the best smartphone out there?

    Currently, the best combination looks like Android OS phone + iPod Touch.

    It sounds like you're a true fanboy!

    So a 50" SD tv is better than a 42" High Def tv?

    Wow, way to generalize. We're talking about phones. There's a huge difference between a 4" and a 3.5". Personally, Apple should have increased the screen size and then increased the resolution.

    cherry tree lane florence al. The front yard cherry tree is
  • The front yard cherry tree is

  • mwswami
    Jul 21, 04:45 PM
    I have way more than 4 optical dirves. But multiple DVD/CD duplication is not my thing. Moreover, running a bunch of copies of Toast to burn DVDs or CDs is not processor intensive at all and does not recquire more than one core.

    One way to get eight cores is to get 4 Mac Minis (just wait for the lowest model to become dual core), stack them up, and put them on a KVM. You get 8 cores, and 4 optical drives for *cheap*. Just a thought.;)

    cherry tree lane florence al. 20 S PINE TREE LN, Beulah, MI
  • 20 S PINE TREE LN, Beulah, MI

  • REDolution
    Apr 12, 12:49 PM
    This was a very good blog post.

    I agree, great read

    cherry tree lane florence al. an ornamental cherry tree
  • an ornamental cherry tree

  • iGary
    Aug 25, 03:05 PM
    Apple needs to address this situation appropriately. As their products gain higher profile, as their customer base increases and they gain market share, it's only logical to think that there will be a greater need for support.

    You're missing a comma. :p :D

    cherry tree lane florence al. The Tainted Cherry Tree.
  • The Tainted Cherry Tree.

  • crackbookpro
    Apr 25, 03:51 PM
    Ladies Ladies... they are storing information that should be private(yes, indeed), but let's not blow this out of proportion.


    The OS or iOS collects & stores this information like many platforms for specific reasons... Android, does indeed do the very same type of stored information of the 3 cell-tower's estimation of location.

    The really REALLY bad news is that this information is stored in your iPhone as well as the actual device(Mac or PC) you sync your iPhone/iPad with. The information get's logged correctly... but what is not correct is how it is securely(insecurely) being stored - we are talking about Privacy.


    The file should be stored(for technical specific reasons), but not with this lack of diligence on user privacy...

    APPLE, you need a way to log this info in a much more secure atmosphere if the iOS does truly need this information for specific OS reasons.

    cherry tree lane florence al. Music [2007] (Cherry Tree)
  • Music [2007] (Cherry Tree)

  • k995
    Mar 23, 03:54 AM
    To be fair, every smartphone on the market is an iPhone clone and every tablet an iPad clone, so it is all related to Apple in that way.
    Complete BS "iphone" lookalikes date back to ebfore the iphone was anounced. So either some companys have people who can predict the future, or the design and tech behind the iphone was aused BEFORe it was released and apple just changed excisting designs.

    Ipad is basicly a large smartphone.

    cherry tree lane florence al. quot;Songs from the Tainted Cherry
  • quot;Songs from the Tainted Cherry

  • Dan==
    Jul 27, 04:06 PM
    But its like ATI simply naming one of their chips ATI Radeon with no additional naming (being something like X1800 etc.). Why not something like Mac Plus, Mac Extra, Mac Express... I could go on.
    Those are all fine.

    Well, the Mac Plus is pretty slow these days. What was that - 8Mhz?

    Too bad the Mac Mini wasn't named the Mac Nano. Then we could have named this one the Mac Mini.

    cherry tree lane florence al. A Tibetan cherry tree,
  • A Tibetan cherry tree,

  • DCJ001
    Mar 26, 07:57 PM
    im using snow leopard, will all my documents and apps gone if i upgrade to lion ?

    PowerPC (Rosetta) emulation is no longer offered. That means if you have any PowerPC applications they won't be able to run in Mac OS X Lion. You can determine if you are still running PowerPC applications by going into Applications -> Utilities -> System Profiler -> Applications and viewing "By Kind". This will show you which applications you have that are running under PowerPC. Rosetta had already become an optional install in Snow Leopard, and it appears Apple will be removing support for it entirely in Lion.

    cherry tree lane florence al. to the cherry tree-lined
  • to the cherry tree-lined

  • VanNess
    Aug 8, 12:02 AM
    Running the preview now... some nice developer level stuff that I cannot ebelish on however beyond what was talked about in the keynote...Next spring Apple will have a good answer to Vista with little disruption to end users and developers (unlike Vista).

    All of a sudden Macworld 07 just got a lot more interesting. :)

    cherry tree lane florence al. Location: 8 Peach Tree Lane,
  • Location: 8 Peach Tree Lane,

  • ~Shard~
    Jul 14, 03:05 PM
    Power Supply at the top is REALLY stupid.

    I've never thought much of the relevance of its placement myself - why do you say that? Care to elaborate on why it is "REALLY stupid"?

    cherry tree lane florence al. The Tainted Cherry Tree.
  • The Tainted Cherry Tree.

  • Amazing Iceman
    Mar 31, 05:28 PM
    I really do think that Android/Windows is a good comparison. At least, in terms of getting Android out there on as many different phones as possible. And while that certainly worked, it doesn't really mean that Android is the best OS because it is slightly different depending on the hardware it is on. Which brings up a clear advantage of iOS: It's written specifically for the hardware it is on.

    What matters most is quality, not quantity... right?

    cherry tree lane florence al. Rem-Rem#39;s Cherry Tree
  • Rem-Rem#39;s Cherry Tree

  • S i
    Sep 19, 08:24 AM
    I wish this board would block automatically "************" and replace it with "************" so this tired so-called-joke would end someday.

    Huh? :confused:

    Nice :D

    I'm going to be p*ssed right off if Apple roll out a measly chip update as this latest rumour states. They need to keep up in order to attract the switchers....& keep them. Switching can go both ways of course. Let's see some other MBP updates too, so the wait translates to something positive.


    I'll "bitch & switch" because I go where I feel I can get competitive advantage (rolling many aspects into this). I'm bitching first as a courtesy to Apple. Is it better if people slip off quietly & buy PCs? If community unhappiness hastens some kind of Macbook attention from Apple then that's great.

    Apr 27, 09:51 AM
    Good job Apple. Now let's move on to someone else, like freakin' Sony and their Playstation network.


    Amazing Iceman
    Apr 7, 10:49 PM
    Weird... I think there's more involved in this than we can imagine.

    One thing that comes to my mind is the possibility they were holding their stock to sell it outside the country, as there's been a high demand and higher value to sell overseas.

    Or... a competitor made an arrangement with Be$t Buy to sell a minimum quota a day (well... very odd, but possible) for who knows what reason.

    It's a strange concept on BB's part, but if I had a store I would sell all my stock if there's a demand for it. If I hold off, my customers would be driven away to a competitor and I would loose both present and future sales.

    Apr 6, 06:00 PM
    please, please, P...L...E...A...S...E - Can we have an integrated Cellular data chip

    Aug 10, 06:06 PM
    And they aint half brilliant. GT reminds me of a casualised WTCC (or at least the rally tracks). It's a very serious toy for very serious sim drivers.

    GTR1/2 are brilliant games and the definition of Sim racing.

    Aug 11, 07:39 AM
    Still not much stopping one from purchasing other region games:D Need to pick up the Asian version of Demons Souls as well to try the glitch out for max stats. I do like that the PS3 can play all region titles.

    shipping would be pretty high i imagine! :p glad to know us aussies are being thought of!


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