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i love you heart pictures

Tuesday, May 24, 2011
i love you heart pictures. I Love You Sterling Silver
  • I Love You Sterling Silver

  • Zargot
    Jul 20, 10:58 AM
    I got it!

    The Macintosh Quadra!

    No, wait . . . .

    Pure Genius...

    i love you heart pictures. i love you heart animation. i
  • i love you heart animation. i

  • aafuss1
    Aug 6, 07:48 PM
    Dashcode-will be included, one banner shows some new icons. HDMI-for owners of Bravias and home theatre equipment (via a $29 adaptor for Mac Pro's and minis).
    Canon-universal binary for its scanners and cameras.

    i love you heart pictures. i love you heart drawings. i
  • i love you heart drawings. i

  • longofest
    Aug 7, 03:33 PM
    Hey nice to see osx will have system restore =D

    heh... they give MS so much crap for photocopying, but if anything, this is more or less taking a page out of MS's book with System Restore. Granted, it looks like it will be better, but still, MS had this kind of thing first.

    Not trolling, just pointing it out :)

    *cough* TOP SECRET *cough* :rolleyes:

    It would definitely appear as though rumors of a re-vamped Finder could have some merit...

    i love you heart pictures. i love you heart. i love you
  • i love you heart. i love you

  • Stratus Fear
    Apr 19, 02:28 PM
    Sigh, you're entirely missing the point of this case. No one's arguing that there's been a grid of icons before, it's just that Samsung went the extra step. See, Android itself doesn't have a near-identical desktop, but TouchWiz does. TouchWiz is what you see here, the icons have been made into squares (like the iPhone), there's now a Dock with frequently used apps with a grey background to distinguish it (like the iPhone), it has a black background (meh) but it uses white dots to note the page it's on (like the iPhone). They went the extra mile to provide an iPhone-like experience for their Android devices.

    Yes. People here are failing to understand the difference between traditional patents that we usually hear about here, and design patents. I believe what Apple is suing over is infringed design patents. That the Galaxy S has a icon grid method for selecting applications is irrelevant in that case. They tried to copy the general design and likeness of the iPhone, which is against the design patents.

    Also, whoever it was arguing it previously... Let's not trot out the whole "Apple lost the 'look and feel' argument against Microsoft" thing. That was a different case. Design patents still get filed and granted all the time. This is a new case.

    i love you heart pictures. I Love You Dear Heart
  • I Love You Dear Heart

  • Dagless
    Aug 19, 08:21 AM
    Do we know if all cars have fully modelled interiors or if thats just for the luxury cars?

    i love you heart pictures. i love you heart pictures.
  • i love you heart pictures.

  • matticus008
    Nov 29, 08:32 AM
    I question any law/contract of this type on several grounds:
    1 - How are the eligable rightsholders identified/compensated?
    It depends on the system in place. In Canada, I believe the proceeds are turned over to the CRIA which is then responsible for distribution to its members through a process of their own selection (and not legally specified).

    2 - How are they compensated equitably? Do you compensate Jay-Z and a classical artist the same? Which ever you prefer, Jay-Z sells more.
    Again, it's up to the labels to decide. Once they get their cut from the CRIA, the label controls distribution within its internal channels. More popular artists on that label probably get a bigger cut than niche artists, but more importantly, individual artists likely never see much in the way of proceeds from this.
    3 - If I've paid the royalty, don't I own rights to the music? Sure, I may need to find a copy of it, but I'm told that they're all over a thing called the "internet".
    No. Most importantly, the royalty does not create a stipulation, or even a fiduciary relationship between you, the customer, and the CRIA. The exchange is between the company (Apple, RCA, Samsung, Microsoft, etc.) and the industry consortium.

    Even setting that aside, you have no record of a transaction taking place at all. You can't claim to have paid royalties and have received nothing in return granting you any rights (one way to fight this is to demand that a given label supply you with a written document). Absent consideration, all you've essentially done is paid money for nothing--you didn't send the label a contract with your dollar (and you can't, since you're not paying them the dollar anyway, you'd be paying Apple). Your contribution isn't so much because you're pirating music, but because you could be. It's like putting down a deposit, having to pay insurance, or having a membership in a book club. You pay money, but that's not the end of the transaction. The only thing this royalty grants you is a tacit guarantee that Universal will continue to provide digital content.

    i love you heart pictures. I Love You helium balloon
  • I Love You helium balloon

  • jaxstate
    Aug 11, 02:40 PM
    It will not be carrier free. They'll be able to see more phone buy letting them go for a cheaper price w/2-year agreement. Buying a celly without a plan can be quite expensive.

    i love you heart pictures. i love you heart wallpaper.
  • i love you heart wallpaper.

  • LagunaSol
    Apr 11, 11:52 AM
    Just picked up a Atrix 4G and on my way checked out the iPhone 4 - it looks decidedly antique and bland in front of the competition

    If you're going to judge "looks," the Atrix looks (and feels) like cheap junk next to the iPhone. Just like practically every other Android phone on the market. The iPhone looks like a Rolex sitting next to the Casio of the Android offerings.

    Enjoy the plastic. ;)

    i love you heart pictures. Blue teddy Bear w/ I Love You
  • Blue teddy Bear w/ I Love You

  • Blue Velvet
    Apr 27, 03:19 PM
    I tried, I discovered layers.

    Fact: There are "layers" if you can even call them that.
    Another Fact: They mean nothing.

    They're not layers in any common use of the word in design. However, for want of a better word, they're elements. Those looking for them need to view the file in outline mode in Illustrator (Apple Y)

    Of course not, they will find something else to argue about.

    True... and I'll leave that for others. It was a mistake of mine to look at MR today and be sucked into the stupidity. Now I really must take leave of all of you...

    i love you heart pictures. i love you heart images. i
  • i love you heart images. i

  • maelstromr
    Apr 25, 02:33 PM
    Honestly If this does not bug you it should Apple along with Law enforcement have know about this they have been using devices to read this info and use it against the Phones owners if the info proves useful. Good I totally support a lawsuit Apple should be embarrassed and ashamed this is a big deal. Nothing should trace where your going and keep a record. This info can also be used by criminals but the true criminal here is Law Enforcement since they knew about this info and used it against suspects.

    Please take note suspects are not criminals they are you and me and getting pulled over or involved with the Police. It can happen to anyone for many reasons other than causing a crime.

    Apple has just brought us the closest we have EVER been to 1984.

    Protect our Freedoms

    Rants are harder to read without punctuation.

    Where'd you get the info on Apple and law enforcement? Little green men? Perhaps you tuned it in through your tinfoil cap?

    i love you heart pictures. i love you heart animation. i
  • i love you heart animation. i

  • Dr.Gargoyle
    Aug 11, 03:40 PM
    So how many people in the world do you think have cell phones? Everyone?!?! Just doing a quick Google search, there were about 1.1billion cell users in the world in 2004. So, maybe it's up to 1.5 - 1.75bil now?

    Now if there's ~700mil people in the EU with a workforce just under 400mil strong and internet usage is about 300mil. Ya, it would seem reasonable that roughly the same number of people use cell phones. Do you have a better estimate? I'm sure there's a lot of elderly, children, and poor in the 700mil that use cell phones, eh?

    What about India, Japan, China? First of all, India and China have median incomes that are FAR less than the US or EU... so I doubt they have a relatively large cellular user base.

    And oh, let me check with my cubemate.... yep, CDMA is used in parts of China.
    Well, I dont know where to begin... I work in science and you have to trust me when I say that you can't deduct anything from the "facts" you have. You are guessing.
    The fact is that GSM has 81% of the world market... and that makes cdma a small market.

    i love you heart pictures. wallpaper i love you. i love u
  • wallpaper i love you. i love u

  • NJRonbo
    Jun 15, 09:02 AM
    Those of you still looking to order from the Shack...

    The latest I am hearing this morning from at least
    one store is that preorders start at 1pm.

    ...however they are not calling it preorders. They
    take down your name, phone and email and check
    the system. No deposit.

    I am being told that you ARE guaranteed a phone
    with this reservation.

    i love you heart pictures. I Love You! painted on wood
  • I Love You! painted on wood

  • janmc
    Aug 5, 08:13 PM
    To me the answer to the whole IR/Mac Pro/Front Row thing is obvious - put an integrated IR receiver into the keyboard. The keyboard would come with the Mac Pro (unlike the display) and is rarely under the desk. :)

    Plus they could sell the keyboard for any Mac (including ones that don't have Front Row - they could include the app with it).

    Are you listening Apple? Maybe you should patent that one quick ;)

    i love you heart pictures. i love you heart
  • i love you heart

  • LightSpeed1
    Mar 26, 12:07 AM
    i wonder if apple will release a version in the app store???They should.

    i love you heart pictures. i love you heart pictures. i
  • i love you heart pictures. i

  • dethmaShine
    Apr 19, 03:02 PM
    That's US mobile subscribers marketshare for Jan and Feb '11. My numbers are worldwide smartphone marketshare. Completly different things.

    Well if I can understand that:

    1. US mobile subscriber marketshare is US smartphone marketshare & Worldwide smartphone marketshare is World wide smartphone marketshare.

    2. You never specified which marketshare you were talking about.

    i love you heart pictures. i love you heart gif. i heart
  • i love you heart gif. i heart

  • KnightWRX
    Apr 9, 06:17 AM
    Most people use their MBA for browsing, youtube videos, email, office apps and perhaps video conferencing. None of which will be bottlenecked by the Intel IGP. If you're doing something above and beyond this that will be negatively affected by the CPU, you are in fact, the minority.

    Fixed that there for you. ;)

    Goes both ways really. It's just that more casual tasks (ie, gaming and watching videos) max out the GPU more than they do the CPU. CPU bottlenecks are usually caused by niche tasks like video editing/raw photo editing/scientific number crunching.

    i love you heart pictures. i love you heart pictures.
  • i love you heart pictures.

  • brobert99
    Apr 11, 01:02 PM
    Whos to say Apple aren't leaking these rumors to try and put everyone off and try and prevent the same thing happening as happened with the iPhone 4?

    i love you heart pictures. 18quot; Heart I Love You
  • 18quot; Heart I Love You

  • egan311
    Apr 11, 12:54 PM
    If true, this means that Apple has raised the white flag and accepted the defeat that Android has given to them. Not caring about the power of the hardware relative to others in the marketplace is a hallmark of a niche ecosystem.

    Welcome to obscurity Apple - Population You

    Yet another example of an opinion being passed off as 'fact'.

    Not surprised given your chosen signature.

    LOL! :D

    So true.

    i love you heart pictures. I Love You Heart Pictures. i
  • I Love You Heart Pictures. i

  • bmturney
    Apr 27, 09:01 AM
    It's always entertaining reading the paranoid ramblings of conspiracy theorists.

    Aug 25, 09:21 PM
    When I read a lot of posts where people complain about Apple service, it seems that it is offten from non-US. Is this my imagination or does Apple need to kick the Arse of their international support groups?

    I am sure the customer support is not good in non-US.

    Unfortunately Apple is not maintainly a high quality of customer support service throughout the world. It seems Apple is neglecting the areas which is growing fast. This will certainly hinder the growth of Mac OS market share.

    Apr 28, 10:19 AM
    yg17, I hate to say this but Obama HAD to do this to avoid the entire "birther" issue from turning into a major distraction that ends up wasting everybody's time during the election cycle next year. Heck, it's already wasted everybody's time for the last three years anyway. :rolleyes:

    I think you hit the nail on the head. Trump may have made a tactical error by starting the hardcore birther attack too early. But of course he's got more tricks in his bag. He will fire one attack after another to wear down his enemy. It kind of makes me wonder if Trump is a closet Scientologist.

    Mar 31, 10:52 PM
    Cutting corners is the one thing Apple generally doesn't do (or they spin it perfectly).

    You mean AntennaGates 1 & 2, iOS 4 on iPhone 3G, the light bleeding on the iPads before shipping, the Macbook Airs crashing when using iTunes aren't examples of Apple cutting corners to get a product to release? I will buy Mac probably for the rest of my life so long as the company is in business and putting out great products with great operating systems.

    And they didn't spin it perfectly. Steve Jobs told consumers they were holding the phone wrong and pretended the problem would go away.

    Chupa Chupa
    Apr 5, 05:49 PM
    I wonder if this new version will be back end changes, front end or both. I wouldn't even mention front end, but I never thought they would have done such a radical make over of iMovie either until they did. I'm not a huge fan if the new iMovie but the FCP front end it quite crusty -- what a decade or so old.

    Aug 26, 06:45 PM
    I vote Apple release a modified version of the Core 2 Duo Macbook Pro.

    The only difference would be the words "Powerbook G5" under its screen, a change of the label on the box to "Dual 2.33 G5" and software that changes the actual name of the processor in System Processor to "IBM PowerPC G5 Dual 2.33".

    This would make the IBM fanboys very happy, as they would think they had a G5 Powerbook, and therefore the wishes for "G5 Powerbooks next Tuesday" would hopefully stop.

    Apple could sell them for five times the cost of a regular Macbook Pro, and get a healthy 20 grand profit off each sale for almost no effort on their part.


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