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Wednesday, June 1, 2011
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  • AppleScruff1
    Apr 20, 02:13 AM
    Why do you keep countering an argument that no one is actually making?

    Straw man fail.

    Not at all. I'm only showing where Apple has done what they don't like being done to them. Only a die hard defends them at all cost.

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  • troop231
    Mar 22, 12:56 PM
    I agree.

    But who in their right minds would want to own something called a Playbook? :o

    Hugh Hefner of course.. :cool:

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  • nefan65
    Apr 6, 02:54 PM
    It's nice for Apple to have high iPad2 sales, and I think that's great. It's too bad the Xoom isn't selling more, although 100k isn't too terrible right out of the gate.

    I've seen and hefted a Xoom, and you know what? It's a pretty decent piece of gear. Good job Moto! From a hardware perspective I liked it every bit as much as the iPad2. In my opinion, its only downfall is Android. For me, Android is not intuitive at all. I can deal with that when it comes to traditional computers, but I don't have time to waste with that sort of nonsense on an appliance - I want it to just work, and that's what Apple provides.

    Actually, 100,000 is pretty bad. I think it was released sometime in late Feb. the iPad 2 sold 300,000 in the first weekend.

    Regardless, I think competition is good. If the XOOM had a WiFi only @ $400, it's make a huge dent. Plus, I've read that Honeycomb is less than polished, so I think that, along with a high price tag has some people turned off...

    That's just my opinion though..and we all know what opinion's are like...lol

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  • peharri
    Aug 11, 01:10 PM
    If Apple does decide they're going to compete with, rather than cooperate with, existing cellphone manufacturers, they will lose their dominance over online music.

    They have to cooperate with cellphone manufacturers because MP3 playing cellphones will end up being the future of portable music. Apple cannot make its own phone and expect to have even 10% of the entire market. Without its dominant market share, the iTMS will end up looking less attractive to the music industry - an industry already, by all accounts, upset with and wanting to get away from, iTMS - and will be deserted faster than you can say "90% of phones support Windows Media".

    I don't believe this story. It doesn't make sense. Jobs crowing over a new product which by rights ought to be veiled in secrecy strikes me as insane. Apple producing a cellphone strikes me as insane. If I were a shareholder, I'd be calling up Steve Jobs personally and demanding answers.

    That said, if it's any good, it's quadband, and supports EDGE and Bluetooth (and maybe UMA if the carriers can get their fingers out), I might buy one.

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  • notabadname
    Mar 22, 04:06 PM
    It's simple: Apple is always behind hardware-wise because they like to priorize esthetics and appearance

    Android phones are selling more than iPhone.

    I've only bought the first iPad because there were no competitors at that time (and I hate netbooks), but now things are different. To be honest, A LOT different.

    1st point: It's factually inaccurate to make your first statement, as evidenced by your last statement. Kind of funny, don't you think?

    In your second statement, you are comparing all Android software-running phones to a single model/product line, the iPhone. The iPhone (each generation) has out sold any single phone model (generation) over it's life than that of any offered by any other hardware manufacturer.

    Your comparison is like saying Toyota has sold more cars than Ford has sold F-150s. That may be true, but the F-150 is still the number one selling truck in the US, even though it does not outsell the sum total of all other trucks by all other manufacturers.

    You should compare a single phone model, say Motorola Droid or HTC Incredible. You are simply talking software. Apple is primarily a hardware company that happens to make the software for its hardware. (yes, I know about FCP and other software) They do not license the iOS software to other manufacturers, so comparison to Google's OS and number of DIFFERENT phones it runs on is really irrelevant to whether any hardware manufacturer has had a more successful phone than the iPhone.

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  • DJMastaWes
    Aug 27, 06:47 PM
    I don't think we're going to see Merom in the MacBook Pros tomorrow. Of course, I'm HOPEING. If they were annouced tomorrow, it would make not only my day, but my month! I've been waiting since June and was expecing it at WWDC. So I'm keeping my fingers crosses 100%. If the're annouced tomorrow, I'm going to order it withen the first 5 minuts of me finding out.

    Hopefully this will be my order.
    15" MacBook Pro
    2GB Ram
    256MB VRAM

    +BT Mighty Mouse (x2)
    BT Keyboard
    Some sort of bag for the MBP
    D-Link USB Bluetooth drive

    *Crosses fingers*

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  • hyperpasta
    Aug 5, 05:53 PM
    why no mbp? its a pro machine so shouldnt it be updated?

    The upcoming MacBook Pro is expected to use a chip known as the Core 2 Duo, versus today's Core Duo. Code-named Merom, this chip will not ship in volume until later this month/early next month. Therefore, IF a Merom laptop is shown, it will not ship for month(s). It is much more likely that we see new Macs using the desktop version of the Core 2 Duo, which is codenamed Conroe and is already being readied to ship as I write this.

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  • Funkymonk
    Apr 19, 01:32 PM
    I'm surprised to see iPhones have outsold iPod Touches by so much; I've never really considered the figures but just assumed that there would be way more iPod Touches around than iPhones.

    why? iphones outselling itouches by so much makes sense to me.

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  • ~Shard~
    Jul 14, 03:57 PM
    Since apple is part of the Blu Ray consortium wouldn't you think they will use blu ray only?

    No, actually. Apple technically supports HD-DVD as well, since are a member of the DVD Forum, which backs HD-DVD. :cool:

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  • afrowq
    Apr 6, 08:50 PM
    If your sector of the business has decided to move to Premier because it works for them, awesome- but don't paint it as an industry trent. Cause I've seen zero migration from FCP to PP in Toronto post houses. Pro editing is still a two horse race: AVID and FCP.

    And I can't help but think how ironic it will be if the new FCS will be built on AV Foundation, which was pioneered on your hated "itoys".


    Never said it was an industry-wide trent (sic). I said "a lot of professionals" have made the switch.


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  • H. Flower
    Apr 11, 08:56 PM
    How about using more than one bloody core to render a timeline or do an export to the eternally-broken Compressor?

    How about properly recognizing file attributes on import?


    �QMaster having better than coin-flip reliability?

    �better R3D support (as well as other cameras)?


    etc etc

    - native video support (years behind in this)

    - viewing upsized or downsized video without degradation

    - proper render management

    - removal of "insufficient content" and "cannot split a transition" errors

    and on and on and on

    The major thing, though, is they HAVE to start utilizing multiple cores. It's not and as video gets larger, rendering gets more taxing.

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  • Multimedia
    Sep 14, 05:56 PM
    :eek: :eek: What's planned after 8 core processors? 16 cores on a chip? Seriously?? :confused: :confused:Not sure about beyond 8 which can be paired into a 16 core Mac. Perhaps. Too far out to tell although it is casually mentioned in the roadmap.

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  • BlizzardBomb
    Jul 27, 03:02 PM
    I can't say much about the name. I'm not the first to offer it. But nothing else comes to mind that seems to fit well.

    But its like ATI simply naming one of their chips ATI Radeon with no additional naming (being something like X1800 etc.). Why not something like Mac Plus, Mac Extra, Mac Express... I could go on.

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  • HecubusPro
    Aug 26, 10:02 PM
    Tonight NBC News noted that there is a combined Back To School K-12 $17.6 Billion + College $36.6 Billion = $54.2 Billion in play right now - much of it for Consumer Electronics - especially computers. Add in the switch to Core 2 and we are looking at an impossible situation to predict what is happening with regard to any of the supply shortages.

    This is the second largest buying season only trumped by the end of the year holidays. Given this reality, I think we all need to try and exercise maximum patience and skip all the speculation why "clues" mean what. Any "clues" could have multiple reasons in this moment. :eek: :confused: ;)

    Here in Los Angeles, I have been to a couple of apple stores, and a couple of best buy stores in the apple section. Everytime I was in those places, there were obviously college kids with their parents purchasing new macs, particularly the regular macbook. The apple stores especially were swamped with college bound students.

    This is a huge time for all computer manufacturers, and laptops are big sellers for college kids. Shortages are bound to happen. I hope this doesn't affect my MBP making it to a store near me sooner rather than later, but I have a feeling it will. I do feel confident however, that within the next 3 to 4 weeks, I will have, or will have on order a new merom MBP. I hope. :)

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  • jonnysods
    Mar 31, 02:43 PM
    Suckaz. What a mess.

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  • bibbz
    Jun 11, 08:25 AM
    Well that is pretty dumb of them to do that. Makes no difference whether the store does it or you send it in. You would think they would want you to take it into a store so an employee can see the product and make their judgement.

    Thats exactly it, we judge them honestly bc we can get in trouble if we say its a pristine condition phone to get you more money then send it in and its old and busted...

    I'm on a conf call and just got word about the early openings. As soon as i get to work in a minute ill post all the info i have. :)

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  • oregonmac
    Nov 29, 01:11 PM
    see http://www.tunecore.com/

    Universal is simply increasing the rate of their own demise. And why do they think artists find them necessary?

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  • deputy_doofy
    Mar 31, 02:47 PM
    Smartphone OS, yes (iPhone vs. Android phones).

    iOS as whole (iPads + iPods + iPhones + Apple TV) kills Android numbers though. By LARGE margins.

    Fixed that! :D

    If Apple FAD goes away, where will Google copy from next?

    You are delusional if you think Google is not building upon the Apple FAD.

    If there's any truth to the Google Android prototype phone being Blackberry-like, then Google is merely pulling a Microsoft by copying Apple's success. Otherwise, why wouldn't Google have continued down that path?

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  • KnightWRX
    Apr 6, 11:01 AM
    So are the current MacBook airs using a dedicated gpu? Or is it integrated? I'm confused. :-)

    They use an IGP (Integrated Graphics Processor) manufactured by nVidia and incorporated to the "chipset" (south bridge) that is the 320m.

    SB ships an IGP integrated on the CPU die itself, manufactured by Intel.

    The nVidia solution is better for graphics performance.

    Aug 7, 03:45 PM
    Why does no one ever mention the Dock? It is a HUGE part of OS X and hasn't changed since Jaguar. It could be so much more useful if it allowed for dividers, more customization, etc. I hope the Top Secret stuff includes major improvements to Finder, the Dock, and Expose.

    Sep 19, 09:21 AM
    That whole comment had the tone of a spoilt 13 year old...

    You have no idea why some ppl are waiting for the next revision or upgrade - don't benchmark your rationale with others in way that dismisses other ppl who have equally legitimate reasons and opinions...

    Some ppl (who don't have allot of money to drop every year for the next best thing) have to spend wisely - and perhaps just want a revB machine that is more stable and refined. I for one keep my macs until they die...so I will be waiting for revB to maximise my chances of a solid bug-free machine.

    If that makes me spoilt - b/c I don't want to purchase new products year after year - then there is nothing I can do about your perceptions...

    AMEN!!!! :D

    Aug 27, 09:33 PM
    I think im gonna wait and buy in 2007 with leopard and iLife 07 :rolleyes:I don't think I will be able to wait another 8 months. Waiting for C2D was brutal enough. But I'm gonna try and hold out for a refurb C2 Mac Pro or MB or MBP.

    Aug 27, 09:08 AM
    Speaking of wish expectations Multimedia;

    I know you're hangin' out for Santa Rosa. The article mentions that it's expected in early 2007. Do you think that would be the date for official announcement of production-standard architecture, or actual availability announcement?

    Seems very early to be shipping...

    I could go out in September and get a Merom notebook, but I don't mind waiting 6 months for Santa Rosa to hit the street.

    Apr 19, 06:51 PM
    So when is apple going to sue over the letter "i"?

    Or how about suing companies for using certain shapes?

    This kind of garbage just makes them look petty, just like the youtube videos demonstrating other phone antenna problems.


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