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easter eggs pictures to colour

Wednesday, June 1, 2011
easter eggs pictures to colour. easter eggs to colour. color
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  • Brandon4692
    Jun 22, 12:43 AM
    I would sell the 3GS privately. You're almost guaranteed to get more for it. Post it somewhere tonight and I'll bet you that you get more for it than what Radio Shack will offer you.

    Radio Shack's trade-in program is a decent option, but one could do much better with a little leg work.

    Yeah I thought about that... But I'd rather not go through the hassle of craigs list and eBay... Just to many unknown factors. Who they are shipping meeting up with strangers scams I just feel safer trading it into the store but hey if you can get more for you phone all the power to you! I'm just a wimp about it lol

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  • Cowinacape
    Jul 14, 07:35 PM
    All this talk about gamers, and video cards, wonder if they will intro a SLi Macpro *wipes away drool* :D

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  • stock vector : Easter eggs

  • Cinch
    Aug 11, 11:35 AM
    Take a look at the Nokia E61. I just got one to replace my BlackBerry and love it. It's the European version and you have to buy it unlocked ($350 or so) but it works great. Cingular is coming out with a dumbed down version called the E62 but strips away some of the cool features like WiFi. Go figure - an American phone with less features than the one sold in the rest of the world.

    With crappy phones and our pathetic broadband infrastructure, you'd think we were Third World rather than a "Superpower."

    Yeah, but I rather pay ~30% tax than the 50%+ tax in Europe (fed., state, sales etc).

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  • Set Of Color Easter Eggs

  • elmimmo
    Aug 17, 04:09 AM
    It's frustrating to see all the work that anandtech (http://www.anandtech.com/mac/showdoc.aspx?i=2816&p=10) went through to make the benchmarks, for such a ****** comparison they decided to do in the first place.

    They are comparing a 2 generations old G5 (Dual 2,5) versus a new Intel (Quad 2,6) which is not even the fastest out there. What kind of comparison is that? If the new Intels you are comparing against are all Quad based, the only reasonable G5 to compare against is the fastest one out there, the Quad G5 @2,5, because it is the fastest, and because it is even at core count. And they do not even mention it exists. And since you take the trouble to do so, compare fastest G5 against fastes Intel, gosh.

    They could as well have compared any Mac Pro against an iMac DV�

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  • macaddicted
    Jul 30, 07:42 PM
    Perhaps I have overstated my case. Intel is shipping Merom chips, but laptops with Merom inside are not expected in retail channels until the end of August--perhaps because of limited supply?

    I hope not. Visions of Motorola hauntingly return.

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  • Easter Coloring Printables

  • Zadillo
    Aug 27, 05:28 PM
    I see where you're coming from.

    So does this mean there will be no Powerbook G5s next tuesday?

    Hey, you never know.... ;)

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  • Easter Eggs Color-it Vector

  • xStep
    Apr 11, 04:23 PM
    Yes, its crap. The first version followed the basic principles of NLE but the new version is pathetic.

    However, Randy came up with FCP for Macromedia so he has what it takes if Jobs and other consumer oriented guys can keep their ***** away from the mix.

    LOL! OK, so the new generation of iMovie isn't compatible with you. I like the new iMovie. Sure it has it's quirks and a different take on the editing process, but I'm compatible with it and FCP.

    Randy's experiment that turned into the new iMovie was a tool to allow him to quickly skim through his personal content for use in Final Cut. Apparently, other powers that be, when seeing it, thought it a good base for a new consumer video editor. I don't recall it being publicly shared how much influence came from others for the new iMovie. Other's influence has been assumed, except for idiots who want to personally attack Randy.

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  • Abstract Easter Eggs (Size:

  • gnasher729
    Aug 27, 06:54 AM
    OK, that's wierd. Who would get angry about having research into what the public wants done for them???

    No wonder Nintendo sucks so much.

    BTW, Congrats on ur 500 Posts!

    Very simple. What these companies are all afraid off: You think of some way to improve a Macintosh, or an iPod. You have the same idea as thousand other people, including the guys at Apple. You send the idea to them. They implement the idea - which they developed on their own, independent of what you sent them, and what thousand other people thought of. You see your idea implemented and promptly sue Apple for millions of dollars. The case ends up in front of a jury full of idiots who promptly take your side against the evil corporation and give you millions of dollars.

    All that mess can easily be prevented by not accepting any ideas from people who are not paid by the company.

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  • 3 Colour Easter Eggs

  • iris_failsafe
    Jul 20, 03:54 PM
    I am liking this Intel switch more and more. Stevo you were right again...

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  • Coloring Book 3 Colour Easter

  • Gatesbasher
    Mar 31, 09:06 PM
    Yeah! That's what'll happen!

    Or they'll do further research and realize that the implications in this SINGLE ARTICLE might not be 100% true.

    To the everyday user this means NOTHING as they have no knowledge of what open truly means, and therefore can't take advantage of it.

    To the users who actually have the knowhow to utilize open source operating systems, this might mean a minor hinderance, but not a complete game changer.

    And for clarification, the former is the vast majority.

    Did no one notice the obvious bias in this article? It's slanted, and the author clearly thinks that Google has been wrong this entire time.

    The everyday user has been buying Android phones in large numbers because they're cheap and are available on more carriers. This is not about everyday users, it's about the Fandroids who have been screaming "'Open' good, 'closed' bad!!" at the top of their lungs for the last three years.

    I stand by my three groups: 1�indiscriminate Apple-haters (like you), 2�people who just want a team to root for: "Go Android!!" Right or wrong, and 3�the true believers in the open-source religion.

    Now as I said before, the only truly "open" phones would be FreeRunners that Stallman assembles in his Mom's basement from components gleaned from dumpsters and hands out for free, so I have no idea what new savior they'll turn to to save them from the tyrant Jobs. Be funny if it was Microsoft!

    And no, I see no "bias" in the article�I think you're using the Rupert Murdoch definition: "Facts I don't want anybody to hear."

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  • Six colour Easter eggs with

  • Benjy91
    Mar 26, 12:39 PM
    Windows 7 is available in six editions, and three of those (bolded) are available through normal retail channels.

    - Windows 7 Starter
    - Windows 7 Home Basic
    - Windows 7 Home Premium
    - Windows 7 Professional
    - Windows 7 Enterprise
    - Windows 7 Ultimate

    You also need to decide on the architecture before purchase, unlike OS X.

    If you count those (they are packaged in different boxes after all), this brings the number up to 11. Starter doesn't come in a 64-bit edition.

    Finally, this of course doesn't include the server editions of the Windows 7 kernel.

    The only versions of Windows 7 Ive seen available at retail are Home Premium, Proffessional and Ultimate.

    Starter and Home basic only come bundled with Netbooks.

    And if you're choosing which version of Windows you want for home use, why would Enterprise and Server versions even come into it?

    So if you're looking to pick up Windows 7 for your PC, the only serious choices are Home Premium, Professional and Ultimate, and is it really that confusing to compare a feature list of 3 versions and decide which features you need?

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  • stock vector : Easter eggs

  • Some_Big_Spoon
    Aug 26, 09:21 PM
    May have been said, but ship dates on iMacs are 7-10 days.

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  • Book 3 Colour Easter Eggs

  • andiwm2003
    Apr 25, 02:39 PM
    While I can't say that I like the idea of private information being recorded without clear consumer knowledge or warning, I have to wonder what exactly is getting 'exploited' here? In two years when you throw your phone out Apple secretly searches your trash, takes it and markets to you based on where you went two years ago? Give me a break. :rolleyes:

    again so that you might understand it:

    The issue is that the data are stored unencrypted on your iPhone. So everyone can steal your phone and find out where you've been in the last year. If you think that is not an issue then your job is not very important and your private life is very boring.;)

    It's not that Apple uses this info. It's about the fact that there is a gaping security hole that Apple did not fix.

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  • cult hero
    Mar 26, 01:27 AM
    Right on both counts. Still, I think its amazing that we might be getting a server class OS for what will most likely be less than $129.

    It is cool. (Although technically I get my main server class OS for free with Linux. :P)

    Since the introduction of the Mac Mini server though I think Apple was kinda pointing in the direction they were going with servers which is out of the Enterprise and into SOHO and in general the move makes a lot of sense. Even though I do a lot of Linux admin work, at the main office I service we're running a pair of Mac Mini Servers and they are absolutely brain dead to set up.

    The SOHO (especially the HO portion) is simply not going to drop $500 - $1000 on a server OS. I think with Lion, Apple's gonna hit a home run in that niche�a niche that, in my opinion, is growing and is underserved. If their Samba replacement will behave like a proper domain controller in a Windows environment, even if it's not feature complete, you'll see a lot of the SO portion look twice at it.

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  • Color Easter Eggs Art Print

  • snouter
    Apr 6, 11:09 AM
    Umm... You do realise clock speed is not everything don't you?
    I hope you don't think a C2D is better then a SB Core i5


    Clock for clock the Arrandales are faster than C2D and Sandy Bridge is clock for clock faster than the Arrandales.

    So a 1.4 Sandy Bridge will be quite a bit faster than than a 1.4 C2D within the same power envelope.

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  • Nine Color Easter Eggs

  • composer11
    Jul 22, 03:50 AM
    Got it. Thanks!

    If you haven't seen it before, I found this (http://www.macminicolo.net/) very interesting.

    Cool! LOL! :-)

    Anyway, wondering if Apple will cut the prices the way the PC market dictates?? Anyone have any ideas? Apple is going to have to get used to ramping and changing the cores all the time, this is NOT IBM PPC, and Intel, AMD etc, release revesions of chips all the time, several times a year. In addition, one of the cool things about this is that the new desktops should allow you to buy the low end system and purchase a CPU and plop it in yourself, saving a bundle, unless of course they, being apple, stay withing market price of CPU's.

    A good place to check current prices is..


    Now if they where to solder them on, then I would fume and support the OSX86.org:D But seriously, from what I thought I read not to long ago, Apple is no longer "whoring" their RAM prices and are starting to reflect the "real" street prices of DDR.

    IMHO, Apple is going to have to stay competitive with real street prices on their systems (CPU, Motherboard, RAM pricing) and the newer 2 Duo and Memron, Quads, etc are much lower than what IBM was charging them.

    For the laptop segment, by the Holiday's, the MacBooks should be equal to the QUAD G5 in power, with the MBP 8 cores (2x4), and desktops in all various ranges.....especially with UB programs, all the way up to 4x4.

    Now, if we could only get decent mic preamps, and everything wireless, guitar, etc, everything would be perfect.

    Am still awaiting the device you place on your head and think about a song, idea, cartoon, and poof, it's done! LOL!!!

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  • pattern Easter eggs(China

  • ten-oak-druid
    Apr 25, 02:18 PM
    Because Apple is not tracking you. Apple does not get any of that data, they will never see or touch it. It is data that is stored locally on your phone out of reach from everyone except you. "Apple tracks you" would mean that the phone is sending the data 'home', but it doesn't. APPLE HAS NO IDEA WHERE THE F YOU ARE OR WERE (and they probably couldn't care less)

    Prove it.

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  • Abstract Easter Eggs (Size:

  • Multimedia
    Jul 27, 11:48 PM

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  • sikkinixx
    Aug 25, 07:28 PM
    You should demand a replacement or refund

    when i pick it up from the service center I had it at (its not an Apple store since we don't have them in Canada) I'm gonna ring up Apple and ask them wtf is going on. It never did it before I got the new Logic board but buddy at the place I took it said Apple said it wasn't a logic board problem.

    Mar 22, 02:53 PM
    Rand didn't trip on the Civil Rights Act? Ok, only if you agree with him that entire towns in the South should have the right to discriminate like they used to. The free market will sort it out... just like it did before the civil rights act.

    At some point all the discriminated folks would have started their own businesses and everything would have been a-ok right? Isn't that how the free market is supposed to work? :D

    Sep 18, 11:09 PM
    APPLE I NEED A NEW MACBOOK PRO. I NEED FIREWIRE 800, I NEED A DL SuperDrive, i'd like MEMROM. If you had to releace a half-assed Prosumer laptop in the first place to start your transition for the love of god PLEASE update it now. Its been a LONG time since we've seen any updates. Apple is now competeing in INTEL land, were they need to keep their laptops current. Releace the laptops (notebooks in your case as you like to call them) i'll place the order and wait for them to ship. PLEASE.!


    Eh what choices do you have if Apple doesn't wish to play by your needs... buy from another vendor? Let the "free market" decide? Oh wait, I forgot, for Macs there is no free market, it is basically a monopoly.

    Apr 19, 02:10 PM
    Is that your vetted legal opinion?

    We have a lot of couch lawyers in this group. :rolleyes:

    Apr 27, 04:51 PM
    The bigger deal here is the tendency of some fathers to name their kids the EXACT same name they have and add a "2nd". I've always thought that practice couldn't be stupidier. :PIt's just like kings, innit?

    Apr 27, 09:54 AM
    And I'm sure when the next Apple-gate story gets created, the blind fanbois will jump to their defense. :rolleyes:

    Hey Birther, guess what else happened today?! :eek:

    Too many conspiracy addicts out there. Let it go and live your life.


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